Wednesday, September 9, 2015

police scanners

> sent to cm's
> Tuesday, September 8, 2015
> Police are reading your bank & debit card balances without a
> warrant<>
> Police are reading your bank & debit card balances without a warrant
> Posted on September 8,
> 2015<>
> by Joe from
> MassPrivateI<>
> MassPrivateI<>
> Thanks to DHS’s own research & development
> department<> if you’re
> arrested, cops can now read your bank balance!
> Police are now able to read our bank credit and debit cards, retail
> gift cards, library cards, hotel card keys, even magnetic-striped
> Metrorail cards
> instantly!<>
> Did you catch that? Police will even know the balance of your commuter
> train/bus cards, all without a WARRANT!
> DHS and Technology Directorate’s Electronic Recovery and Access to Data
> (ERAD) Prepaid Card Reader is now being used to read EVERY
> magnetic-striped card.
> “The ERAD Prepaid Card Reader is a small, handheld device that uses
> wireless connectivity to allow law enforcement officers in the field to
> check the balance of cards. This allows for identification of
> suspicious prepaid cards and the ability to put a temporary hold on the
> linked funds until a full investigation can be
> completed.”<>
> Reading between the lines, once you’re arrested if you’re carrying a
> ‘suspicious credit or debit card’ police can put a temporary hold on
> your account! Which begs the question, how the hell can you bail
> yourself out if they’ve frozen your accounts? What’s to stop a
> prosecutor/judge from demanding you pay a certain amount in fines or
> bail? After all they know EXACTLY how much money is in your bank
> account.
> The project, developed by DHS’s Science and Technology
> Directorate (S&T) First Responder
> Group<>(FRG),
> began in March 2012. The S&T is led by the Under Secretary of Homeland
> Security for Science and
> Technology<>
> According to DHS since ERAD was put into field testing, police have
> seized approximately $1 million dollars in ‘suspicious bank cards, etc.
> “The Prepaid Card Reader has generated a lot of interest from our state
> and local law enforcement agency partners, and there is a growing
> demand by these agencies for use of this technology by their
> personnel,” said Deso. “It provides a unique tool for when they
> encounter suspect cards with magnetic strips during the performance of
> their
> duties.”<>
> Of course ERAD is generating a lot of interest from state and local
> police, they need to find new ways to balance their budgets and keep
> the American police state going.
> Share this:

Monday, August 31, 2015


Follow the white rabbit...."You have a problem with authority, Mr. Anderson. Somehow you think that you're special and that rules don't apply to you..."
Actually agent Smith is simply a Matrix ENFORCER. You can't beat him unless you see (understand) the Matrix code.
And in the real world, the Matrix code is the UCC. You can shut down even the IRS with it. I did.

And that's because all the municipal corporations that masquerade as gov't, operate IN COMMERCE, and the UCC is the law of commerce. And in commerce you're either a CREDITOR or a DEBTOR.
So we have basically two choices; either leave the corporate Matrix, which will make life rather difficult, since most people are in the Matrix (where real gold money is NOT accepted), OR operate in the Matrix, in which case you better learn the UCC and assert your CREDITOR status, and so be like Neo in the movie.
I hope you realize that it is the CREDITOR status which makes people EXEMPT from the rules that everyone else (debtors) is under. Or simply assert all the rights that the UCC affords. For example, when some Matrix agency gives you a presentment, you gotta pay if you accept it, and it's deemed accepted even if you do nothing, and if you reject it, you're in DISHONOR. In which case they can drag you into court. BUT if you demand that they identify themselves and their authority as a holder in due course, their presentment becomes INVALID, UNTIL they satisfy that demand, as it is based on the UCC code.
And here's a good analysis of the Matrix movies:
BTW, this is also revealing. Remember that IRS claims that everyone working and living in United States must pay income taxes? Here's where that United States is:
(h) [Location of United States.]
The United States is located in the District of Columbia."

Of course it also includes all US territories and federal ZIP code areas. And this is also a part of every State's commercial Code. For example in Cali it's under CCC 9307 (h).
And I wonder what would an IRS employee say if you told him "I'm not located in District of Columbia. You don't disagree with that, do you?". I mean, if he agreed, then he'd be agreeing that you're NOT in United States, and IRS by their own admission only has authority over those in US.

In order to defeat your enemies, you first gotta UNDERSTAND WHY they have power and you don't.

Comment by Jaro 15 hours ago
Here's the Merovingian scene. Yep, they came to him with no power, and gave him no reason why he should grant their request for the keymaker. And they didn't even know why they needed him. I.e. they created no cause, which would have an effect of the Merovingian granting their wish.
And the Merovingian demonstrated to them on that woman, how he created a cause (by that special desert), which would have an effect of her being open to his sexual advances later on. So you gotta create a certain action, if you want to cause certain reaction.
And it also works backwards; if you wanna stop certain effect, you first gotta know what is the cause which creates that effect. If you don't know the cause, you can't change the effect. 

Want this lech for President?
Another Bill Clinton???

Saturday, June 27, 2015

Obamacare decision

> Obamacare decision raises issues of justices' impeachment
> The six U.S. Supreme Court justices who voted to uphold ObamaCare
> should be impeached for abandoning the rule of law, explains attorney
> Larry Klayman. Klayman stated Thursday morning: "These six Justices
> have violated their own long-established rules of interpretation for
> applying statutes to instead advance their own political objectives or
> burnish their public persona. Such personal goals corrode the role of
> the Court. The Justices abandoned the rule of law and have become
> merely a political focus group."
> As Justice Antonin Scalia makes clear in his dissent, the Justices
> actually rewrote the Affordable Care Act instead of interpreting it.
> Scalia wrote in dissent that the legacy of the Roberts Court will be
> "forever the discouraging truth that the Supreme Court of the United
> States favors some laws over others, and is prepared to do whatever it
> takes to uphold and assist its favorites." Scalia explained that the
> Court engaged in "somersaults of statutory interpretation" to save
> ObamaCare, rather than applying neutral and consistent rules to all
> laws equally.
> Freedom Watch has grown especially concerned about the independence of
> the Supreme Court due to reports from a whistleblower that private
> information about Chief Justice John Roberts, and other judges and
> justices, were "harvested" illegally by the U.S. Government. Although
> it is illegal for the Central Intelligence Agency to operate within the
> domestic United States, a contractor whose company was hired to perform
> the "harvesting" for the CIA has come forward to blow the whistle. He
> claims to have proof that the CIA harvested personal and private
> information about Roberts and other federal judges and may be
> intimidating or subtly threatening the U.S. Supreme Court with the fear
> of personal attacks.
> To preserve the Republic in its last gasps, Congress must impeach these
> Justices. The U.S. Constitution provides in Article III, Section 1,
> that "The Judges, both of the supreme and inferior Courts, shall hold
> their Offices during good Behavior." It does not give judges a term for
> life but only "during good Behavior."
> Klayman is a former federal prosecutor, head of Freedom Watch and
> previously founder of Judicial Watch.
> For more information, contact or visit>

Friday, June 26, 2015


From the DOJ website itself.

"TITLE 18, U.S.C., SECTION 242

    Whoever, under color of any law, statute, ordinance, regulation, or
custom, willfully subjects any person in any State, Territory,
Commonwealth, Possession, or District to the deprivation of any
rights, privileges, or immunities secured or protected by the
Constitution or laws of the United States, ... shall be fined under
this title or imprisoned not more than one year, or both; and if
bodily injury results from the acts committed in violation of this
section or if such acts include the use, attempted use, or threatened
use of a dangerous weapon, explosives, or fire, shall be fined under
this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and if
death results from the acts committed in violation of this section or
if such acts include kidnaping or an attempt to kidnap, aggravated
sexual abuse, or an attempt to commit aggravated sexual abuse, or an
attempt to kill, shall be fined under this title, or imprisoned for
any term of years or for life, or both, or may be sentenced to death.

Monday, April 27, 2015

Wallmart stores to be used for slave labor...


Sunday, April 26, 2015 7:35
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Sometimes life just hands us the answer that we are looking for. We might call this a word of knowledge, a prophecy or a sudden moment of insight. Regardless of what we call the event, the message that we receive is so very overwhelming that we have inner awareness that this is the truth. I recently had my moment of sudden clarity and with all the information that I have collected on Jade Helm, I instantly understood why and where these events are taking us unless we have divine intervention.

Rick Joyner’s Prophetic Dream

Back in August of 2014, Rick Joyner shared a prophetic dream and he shared the content of that dream on his broadcast. Joyner told of ISIS flooding across the U.S. border wreaking mayhem and devastation. ISIS committed the same types of ISIS atrocities as we have seen in Syria and Iraq, only worse. Joyner stated that it is was clear that the federal government was responsible for the unfolding holocaust in the Southwest because of this administration’s nonexistent border policies. As a result, the dream foretold how the people of the United States will come to look at the federal government as being complicit for what was happening to American citizens at the hands of ISIS and its allies.
Joyner shared that the people of the country formed militias in order to fight back. In a stunning development, Joyner saw how the people wanted to hunt down  employees from the federal government and perform the same atrocities to them as what was happening to Americans at the hands of ISIS.

The American People and the States vs. ISIS and Friends

Joyner shared that the states will refuse to cooperate with the federal government and hold them accountable and that the states and citizen militias will be in open rebellion against this federal tyranny.
It will not be safe to be a federal official during this time, according to Joyner. He clearly stated that government officials will begin to go into hiding. This is exactly what we see with the reopening of Cheyenne Mountain where the elite have a place to run to. The Bush family, almost a decade ago purchased a large piece of property in Paraguay. What do they know that most of us do not yet know? Even state officials are becoming leery. Sounding like the weak excuses given for closing Walmarts from around the country. Governor Fallin of Oklahoma is vacating the Governor’s mansion. Will this make it harder for angry American to find her in response to her cooperation with the federal government? In the upcoming weeks, I look for this propensity for public officials to be less accessible to increase to the point where it will be obvious to all .

Hell on Earth

Rick Joyner believes that the bowels of hell have opened up. He stated that ISIS was not acting alone. This is very consistent with we know about ISIS as they are aligned with the Mexican drug cartels who, in turn are aligned with Hamas, Hezbollah,  the Sanchez Peredes Cartel, the Muslim Brotherhood and al-Qaeda. Since Hamas and Hezbollah run guns for the Russians, I am beginning to suspect that the Russians are playing their hand in this as well. Back in August of 2014, Joyner had no way of knowing how accurate this would prove to be.

Joyner’s Description of the ISIS Threat Is Stunning In Its Accuracy

ISIS base camp near El Paso.
ISIS base camp near El Paso.
I am awestruck by Joyner’s description of the ISIS threat given what we know about the ISIS base camp 8 miles from El Paso, TX and this fact was unknown to him at the time of the publication. Recently, the SGT Report interviewed  Garcia from Judicial Watch. Judicial Watch identifed an ISIS base camp. The documentation is overwhelming and double sourced. How many other camps are there? They are poised and awaiting the right moment.

When Joyner published this video, featured below, Jade Helm was unknown to all of us. However, if we look at the original premises behind Jade Helm 15, this is what I would expect a federal government to do when they are fighting for survival as Jade Helm is preparing to do the following:
  1. Declare certain states to hostile states (i.e. Texas, Utah and part of Southern California).
  2. The extraction of potential dissident leadership. Hence, we see the practicing of infiltration techniques, extraction drills and transport to a detention facility (Ft. Lauderdale, FL. on March 27, 2015).
  3. Possess the ability to isolate certain communities. This would be the role of the 82nd Airborne. This is also why we are witnessing the movement of massive amounts of military equipment. Further, the Canadians and the Amercians are drilling along the Canadian border in preparation for the roll-out of Jade Helm.
  4. The Walmarts are being seized and set up to impose forced detention
Seven States?
Seven States?
Here is Rich Joyner’s video presentation of his dream.

If this did not send chills up and down your spine, nothing will.

Lightening Strikes Twice

The Jade Helm logo clearly means something significant as to the purpose of the drill. There have been many guesses but nothing resonated with me until I watched this video. Jade Helm is about establishing concentration camps on American soil.
I was watching the following video as I was waiting for my son in a parking lot and did not expect there to be any significant information coming from the video. About half way through the presentation, the hair on the back of my neck stood up as the narrator showed wooden shoes worn by the Jews in the concentration camps. The wooden shoes were given to the Jews assigned to slave labor…. By this point, I was having a physical reaction to what I was watching because Executive Order 13603 calls for the use of slave labor in which the conscripts are called “consultants” and consultants are not paid. The video brought this all together when the faint image of the show, on the Jade Helm logo was a precise match to the old wooden shoes given to the enslaved Jews working as slave laborers.
Here is the video from Nathan Leal:

When I write articles, I like to overwhelm the reader with documentation which demonstrates the true nature of an event, the character of a person, or the trend curve for what we are presently observing. Today’s article is not a reflection of any of these approaches. I believe that I was given a word of knowledge which will assist me in my future investigations and I am sharing this with my readers.


Over the course of the past month, I have uncovered massive amounts of information regarding Jade Helm. I am still uncovering information which I will revealing tomorrow. However, in a period of one hour, it was revealed to me what is coming and what the true purpose of Jade Helm truly is.
I have concluded that ISIS will await a moment of opportunity and then wreak havoc across the Southwest and points beyond. The moment of opportunity will either be an economic collapse or a series of false flag events. I fear that this time is almost upon us. I have also concluded that the Jade Helm logo as deciphered in the above video speaks to the absolute enslavement of the American people as Jade Helm is a proactive attempt by the elete to head off a civil war which would occur in response to the aiding and abetting that the federal government has committed against the American people on behalf of an ISIS incursion.
Now that we know what is coming, what are we going to do about it? Before deciding, you may wish to read my article on the Midland Walmart and what we are learning. These findings will be published on Monday.

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 This Week On The Common Sense Show

This week on The Common Sense Show, we will be joined by Deborah Tavares  who will be sharing what is the latest in what the New World Order is up to. The elite are hording water and food production. Tune in and find out how far this has progressed.
Katy Whelan and Annie DeRiso will be bringing us the Health Report and the News, respectively in the third hour.

How to Listen to The Common Sense Show


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Tuesday, April 21, 2015







Fellow Tea Party Loyalist,

Do you love your guns?

How strongly do you feel about your Second Amendment right to bear arms...and about protecting your family?

If you feel as passionately as the rest of us then you better get ready.

Obama is not done and if he gets his way in the near future, we're finished.

America will be reduced to a system of government slavery.
We will have no guns, no ammo and will be stripped naked, exposed and vulnerable

We the People will be shackled, bleeding from the inside out, suffocated and strangled. You can stop this—even help us keep intensify our efforts. I need you tosign our Congressional Gun Warning now.

As you read this urgent message you will see why this cannot wait. The more I hear the more shock and disgust fill my gut and tear through me like a circular saw.

Here is what has me wound up in knots...

Obama has nothing to lose. He can't be reelected and his as a result, his reign of terror we've repeatedly warned you about, has begun.

He's on a terror-filled rampage like America has ever seen before, and it scares the hell out of me. That is why it is as critical as every breath you take to sign our Congressional Gun Warning today—get your "NO WAY, YOU’RE  TAKING MY GUNS THAT I HAVE A CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT TO HAVE—NOT NOW, NOT EVER!!! STOP OBAMA’S GUN AND AMMO GRAB!"

Look, Obama's next steps—his plot against America is unthinkable. He will carry out crimes against the Constitution, We The People and against God. Heaven help us.  He has made it clear: he wants your guns and he is coming for them—and he will do anything to get them.

I am reluctant to tell you the details, but I must. 

I have to warn you. Patriots across America are expressing shock and disbelief, disgust and anger as they learn more about Obama’s egregious plan.

Even our long-time allies are shocked, sickened and embarrassed by what America has become under the Obama regime. They can see the writing on the wall so clearly—and ask why so many Americans cannot see it or refuse to!

It is up to us to let them know. We are fully prepared to do so with your help. We've been working day and night, on little sleep and little to eat, putting ourCongressional Gun Warning campaign together. Please sign it—now, not tomorrow.

If you're even hesitating one iota, think about how important keeping your .38, .22 or 9mm handguns or your rifles and shotgun are to you. Obama could give a rip if you use your guns for protection or for hunting. He wants those firearms and he intends to take them—right along with the ammo.

I'm about to reveal his shocking plan right here.

Obama is a predator, preying on America, violating her at every turn. 

His actions are disgraceful—from his ghastly plan to disarm US citizens and grab our guns to his pressuring states to outlaw ammunition—his true color has been revealed. Vivid communist red.

It is like bitter stain against freedom that runs down the walls, seeping into the seams and cracks, staining, even destroying everything in its wake like a vile poison.

Do you know every day my Tea Party intelligence teams and undercover operatives call, email and text me, alarmed with more stories of how Obama will wreak havoc with his gun grab and ammo confiscation and his New World Order mandates.


But that's why the TEA PARTY—YOUR TEA PARTY—is fighting back with everything we have! Will you be part of it? Please I am asking you one-to-one: help us. Sign the Congressional Gun Warning now.

Listen, Obama blatantly and knowingly with malice and purpose broke the law in an all-out effort to prohibit one of the most popular types of ammunition for the AR-15.

Don't think for one second it ends there.

Just weeks ago the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF), announced it was going to fast-track a ban on 5.56 mm M855 ammunition.

That fast-track ban was not going to happen by Congressional mandate but by poison pen—AGAIN! Obama's plan was to fast-track the ban through executive action.

When I heard this I immediately alerted our troops. Thankfully the Tea Party loyalist’s stormed into action and bombarded Congress with millions of fax blasts, emails, phone calls and personal visits.

We pushed hard and gave it all the muscle we had and the ATF backed down—for now.

There's no time to sit back and enjoy our victory because Obama is already back at it. Pushing relentlessly like the vicious predator he is.

Are you ready to lock and load? Good.

We already know Obama and his liberal thugs are secretly planning another gun and ammo grab. We must be ready to move on a dime. This is very serious. Can you help us stop him by signing our Congressional Gun Warning—and helping us build our arsenal with a donation?

Without you it just won't happen.
Obama and his socialist scum have found it difficult to grab our guns so they're looking for a way around it. What would be the next most logical maneuver?

They're making a grab for our bullets. Without ammo a gun becomes a worthless piece of metal..

Cunning liberal socialists are getting ready to dance in the streets, overjoyed with the thought they can grab and destroy America’s bullets, leaving gun chambers empty and the American people defenseless.

As if that's not heinous enough, their gun and ammo grab is going straight to the state level! Several states are now considering outlawing lead the name of the environment!

What kind of cockamamie crap is that? 

Lawmakers at the state level have been brainwashed!

As I write, there are dozens of gun and ammo control bills sitting on Governors' desks waiting to be signed. Should these bills get signed it would outlaw lead ammunition under the umbrella of an “assault-weapons” ban.

Some experts estimate about 95 percent of all ammunition sold contains lead. But the insidiousness doesn’t stop there. Lead based bullets are not the only issue.

Alternative metal bullets have already been outlawed by the ATF.

This is all part of the great gun and ammo grab in Obama's master plan. They’re hoping Americans do nothing but sit back and shut up!

It is up to us to end this lunacy. Sign the Congressional Gun Warning and give your best donation ever today.

Do you believe in your Second Amendment rights? Do you believe you have a right to own a gun and to protect yourself and your loved ones? Damn right. That can only mean one thing...

It's time the Tea Party shoots this gun and ammo grab scheme full of holes once and for all!

We're going to have to move mountains to make it happen but if you step up, we can do it.

And if you don't?

Then you better be prepared to have every single gun you own and every single bullet confiscated—and you have no one to blame but yourself.

Don't sit there and wait for someone else to do it. Be part of our campaign to fire a warning shot!

Besides marching on Washington and putting key Congressmen in place throughout the halls of Congress and top Congressional hangouts, we've created a warning so powerful it'll rock the Obama socialists—stop them dead in their tracks.

We're going to blast the CONGRESSIONAL GUN WARNING to every member of the House and Senate and it will make their blood boil and their stomach churn. They WILL fear us and what we will do if they allow this gun and ammo grab to go through.

Are you with me? Can I count on you? We are in this together. Side-by-side, holster-to-holster.


Our strategy could stop Obama’s gun and ammo grab cold but please understand once it’s deployed there is no telling how he will take payback on the American people.

But no matter what, the Tea Party will not allow Obama and his minion Army to strip our guns and bullets from our hands leaving us defenseless and hopeless, we will resist!

I'm sharing this plan with you because I want you to be part of it. 

If you choose to do nothing then all those rallies, protests, demonstrations, marches, letters, faxes, phone calls and clandestine operations we have in place—you can kiss them goodbye.  I WILL have to order them to come to a grinding halt.

We have a strong Tea Party conservative Congressman in place, willing and able to protect our right to bear arms. The Tea Party has slowed down the ATF and Obama’s plan to strip US citizens of the right to bear arms—but there is a lot more work to be done.

How BAD do you want this gun perversion to end? 

If you choose not to send the Congressional Gun Warning to every member of Congress and choose not to help us rebuild the Tea Party war chest now...then be forewarned:

You can kiss your Ruger, Beretta, Smith & Wesson or your Sig Sauer goodbye—or any other firearm you own for that matter—right along with the ammo. 

Maybe you don't know this but with our Tea Party war chest replenished we can blast faxes, letters, phone calls and emails and hold face-to-face visits with our Congressmen...whether they like it or not.

Time is running out and we still have to organize rallies, demonstrations, and protests and get more boots on the ground in Washington—and we've got to do itnow.

Freedom is NOT free. It comes with a price. 

I am asking you, begging you, pleading with you...

Please sign the Congressional Gun Warning right away and give your best possible donation to help the Tea Party get this Congressional Gun Warning out across America. We are on High ALERT and I need you to do it now.

Do you want to know why? 

Obama is dead set on an executive gun and ammo grab no matter how the new Congress may try to stop him

Our Commander-in-Thief, Chief Bully Puppeteer is complying with the U.N. gun grabbing scheme... and pushing his One World agenda, flipping off Congress as he does it. And he is damn sure he can get away with it.

With every fiber of his being he intends to break America...force her down to third world level at any cost. Obama views America as a colonial power—one that is unjust and unwilling to join the global community.

He's going to make sure we are punished for it by grabbing our guns and ammo!

Obama and his evil cohorts will continue with this malicious plan in spite of the American people, in spite of the pain and hardship it inflicts and even despite the mass destruction it brings.

Obama has his gun and ammo grab all plotted out.

Do you see it now—why it is SO urgent you sign the Congressional Gun Warning right now—not tomorrow or the next day or when you get around to it.By that time the Feds or even your own police could be knocking on your door, demanding you "hand it over!"

Obama not only wants to complete his mission to bring America down to her knees and humiliate the United States in the eyes of the world, but to prove liberal socialism cannot be stopped.

This is why I’m depending on you to sign the Congressional Gun Warning right away so we can get it into the hands of all 100 Senators and all 435 members of the house representatives immediately. Then give your best donation!

Do it now, time is running out!

The Tea Party, conservatives and freedom-loving Americans must be mentally, physically and financially prepared for the battle ahead and it’s going to take everything we have to brave this new domestic gun and ammo grabbing Cold War.

If not for the Tea Party where would America be now? 

Because of our extreme success in temporarily stopping the ATF and DHS gun and ammo grab, our war chest is almost empty. But we have to meet our deadlines now, not tomorrow or "later."

If we miss our deadlines we will be set back more than 100,000-fold. Please, you won’t let that happen will you?

This scares the h#& out of me and it should you, too.

Tea Party caucus, millions of Tea Party members, conservative Republicans, independents, libertarians, retired military—we all must unite together to stop this gun and ammo grabbing madman in the White House.

I know this Tea Party strategy is bold and brazen and it has a shot at working’s going to take everything we've got to get it done.

You can't sit back and expect someone else to do it. That is just not an option!

Just like the British in the revolutionary war making a run at a gun grab to make the colonies defenseless, so is Obama’s Royal Court trying to make America defenseless against the One World Order Agenda.

Yes, the Tea Party strategy could throw America into chaos. Civil unrest, gun confiscation and fistfights on the floor of Congress could erupt, but with your help we will be ready.

If you have been drinking the Obama Kool-Aid then you will stay silent and watch America get flushed down the sewer being defenseless, hopeless and ruined. Think I’m kidding?

Let me ask you this:
  • Why would Obama want to disarm America?
  • Why would Obama give away armored cars and mobile weapons to local police forces?
  • Why would Obama replace many of the military officers with his handpicked minions?
  • Why would Obama demand America’s guns and ammo be seized and destroyed?
Because this vile predator is desperate to finish his global master plan to disarm America and bring her bring down to her knees.

We must stop Obama’s gun and ammo grab at all costs! I don't beg but today I am begging you. I will do whatever I have to do make sure this vile excuse of a president is stopped. Will you?

All you have to do is:


We will deliver it to all 100 senators and 435 members of the House of Representatives and tell them we refuse to let Obama take America from us—or take our guns and ammo!

#2. Give us your best donation so we can keep fighting on the most massive scale yet.

Please, I pray I can count on you in this dire time of need.

In case you do not understand the critical nature of this call to ranks let me tell you...

Massive number of letters, emails and faxes must go out in addition to hundreds of thousands of CONGRESSIONAL GUN WARNINGS.

The number of phone calls we have to make around the country is astounding. It takes more than an army to get all of this done and a mind-boggling amount of financial resources.


Please, sign the Tea Party CONGRESSIONAL GUN WARNING today! I already signed it and I would like to see your name at the top right next to mine—Patriot-to-Patriot, gunner-to-gunner.

Are you with me? Great, I knew I could count on you!

Sign it right away so we can unload these powerful warnings on all 100 Senators and all 435 members of the House of Representatives. We will create a massive avalanche they can't miss and can't ignore.

Hurry, time is running out!

I have to raise $217,76.00 in the next 15 days and I need everyone’s help to do it.

Every time we engage the enemy it siphons money out of our war chest. We are fighting gun and ammo grabbing with everything we got, but will that be enough? With your help we can get closer to victory. are all we have left, grassroots, mom and pop America. Help merebuild the Tea Party war chest and get ready to stop the gun-grabbing predator in the White House!

Whatever you can donate will be used in our Tea Party war chest to rescue America and turn back the vile forces of those who want to take over our government, destroy our Constitution and annihilate freedom, liberty, and justice.

Please sign your Congressional Gun Warning and give best donation today without delay.

We won a significant battle when we temporary stopped the DHS and the ATF from gun and ammo grabbing just a few weeks ago. But’s time to finish this war once, prevent the perversion of our Constitution and let freedom ring throughout the land.

Think:  how bad do you want to keep your guns and ammo? Yeah, me, too. Sign and donate today!

God bless you and your family.

Steve Eichler,
CEO, Tea Party

P.S. - Listen up! Obama can't be reelected so this is his last shot at grabbing our guns and ammo and bringing America to her knees. Obama’s reckless disregard of the Constitution and abuse of our time-tested system will only expand into lawless totalitarianism. We must warn Congress: if they side with the Obama's socialist ideals, desecrate our Constitution or eradicate our freedoms there will be hell to pay. Hurry! Sign the Congressional Gun Warning today.

** Please forward this email to at least four of your friends and ask them to support our efforts. **